Family-Friendly Summer Bucket List Ideas for 2024

Summer is here and it’s time to make the most of it with your family. Creating a summer bucket list is a fun way to plan activities that everyone can enjoy.

Whether you’re looking for outdoor adventures, creative projects, or ways to give back to your community, there are plenty of family-friendly ideas to choose from.

Outdoor Adventures And Day Trips

Spending time outside is a must during the summer months. You can plan a family hike, go on a bike ride, or have a picnic in the park.

If you’re looking for something more adventurous, consider going camping or kayaking.

Whatever you choose, make sure to pack plenty of sunscreen and stay hydrated in the heat.

Beach Day Escapades

Pack your sunscreen, towels, and beach toys for a day of fun in the sun. Spend the day building sandcastles, playing beach volleyball, or swimming in the ocean.

Don’t forget to bring a cooler with snacks and drinks to keep everyone hydrated and fueled for a full day of beach activities.

Family at the beach

Nature Hikes and Picnics

Explore the beauty of nature with a family hike or picnic in the park. Choose a trail that is suitable for all ages and skill levels, and make sure to bring plenty of water and snacks.

After your hike, spread out a blanket and enjoy a picnic lunch surrounded by nature.

Camping Under the Stars

Pitch a tent and spend a night under the stars with your family. Camping is a great way to unplug and connect with nature.

Roast marshmallows over the campfire, tell ghost stories, and stargaze before settling in for a night of peaceful sleep.

Make sure to bring all the necessary camping gear and check the weather forecast before heading out.

Waterfalls Chasing

Spend a day relaxing at a waterfall, swimming hole, or lake. Pack food and drinks for the day, and don’t forget sunscreen and things to keep the kids occupied.

Pick a popular spot where you can rent kayaks, canoes, or paddleboards and explore the waters, or pick a quiet place if you just want to relax and enjoy the quiet.

Creative and Educational

Summer is a great time to have fun with your family while also learning new things.

Museum Visits

Visiting a museum is a great way to learn about art, history, and science. Look for museums in your area that have exhibits geared toward children. You can also check if they offer workshops or guided tours.

Dinosaur at museum

Art and Craft Workshops

Art and craft workshops are a great way to encourage creativity in your children. Look for local classes or workshops that teach painting, drawing, pottery, or other crafts. You can also find many online resources that offer step-by-step tutorials.

Historical Site Exploration

Exploring historical sites is a fun and educational way to learn about the past. Look for local landmarks, battlefields, or other historical sites. You can also find many online resources that offer virtual tours or information about historical sites.

Summer Craft Projects

Here are some fun and easy summer craft projects you can do with kids:

Painted Rocks

  • Collect smooth stones from the beach or garden.
  • Use acrylic paints to create colorful designs, animals, or patterns.
  • Seal with a clear varnish to protect the paint.

DIY Wind Chimes

  • Use items like shells, beads, and small bells.
  • String them onto fishing line or twine.
  • Attach to a piece of driftwood or a small branch.

Tie-Dye T-Shirts

  • Get plain white cotton T-shirts.
  • Use tie-dye kits to create vibrant patterns.
  • Follow the instructions on the kit for best results.

Popsicle Stick Crafts

  • Use popsicle sticks to create various structures like birdhouses, picture frames, or mini pallets.
  • Paint and decorate them with markers, stickers, or glitter.

Homemade Bubbles and Wands

  • Make bubble solution using dish soap, water, and glycerin.
  • Create wands from pipe cleaners or wire shaped into fun designs.
Kid Painting

Paper Plate Masks

  • Use paper plates as the base.
  • Cut out holes for eyes and decorate with paints, feathers, and sequins.
  • Attach a popsicle stick handle.

Nature Collages

  • Collect leaves, flowers, and twigs during a nature walk.
  • Glue them onto construction paper to create beautiful nature scenes.


  • Use clear contact paper and tissue paper or natural items.
  • Place the items between two pieces of contact paper.
  • Cut into shapes and hang in windows.

Sand Art Bottles

  • Layer different colors of sand in clear bottles or jars.
  • Use a funnel for precise layering.

Watercolor Painting

  • Use watercolor paints and paper.
  • Experiment with different techniques like salt sprinkling or plastic wrap textures.

DIY Bird Feeders

  • Use pine cones, peanut butter, and birdseed.
  • Coat the pine cone with peanut butter and roll it in birdseed.
  • Hang from a tree with string.

Foam Cup Flowers

  • Use foam cups, paint, and pipe cleaners.
  • Paint the cups and cut slits to form petals.
  • Insert a pipe cleaner for the stem.

Summer Scrapbook

  • Create a scrapbook to document summer adventures.
  • Use photos, ticket stubs, and mementos.
  • Decorate with stickers and drawings.

Homemade Playdough

  • Make playdough using flour, salt, water, and food coloring.
  • Let kids create sculptures and shapes.

Friendship Bracelets

  • Use embroidery floss to braid and knot bracelets.
  • Experiment with different patterns and bead additions.

Water Fun

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy some water fun with your family. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Local Pool Activities

Check out your local pool and see what activities they have to offer. Many pools have family-friendly events like pool parties and swim lessons. You can also simply enjoy a day of swimming and playing games with your kids.

Summer Party Ideas

Water Park Thrills

If you’re looking for some more excitement, take a trip to a water park. Many water parks have rides and attractions for all ages, from lazy rivers to thrilling water slides.

Be sure to check out the park’s height requirements and safety rules before you go.

Fishing and Boating

If you prefer a more relaxing water activity, consider fishing or boating. You can rent a boat or kayak and explore a local lake or river.

Fishing is also a great way to spend time together as a family, whether you’re catching fish or simply enjoying the peaceful surroundings.

Sports and Physical Activities

Summer is a great time to enjoy the outdoors and get active with your family. Here are some fun sports and physical activities that you can add to your summer bucket list.

Family Bike Rides

Biking is a great way to explore your local area and get some exercise at the same time. Plan a family bike ride on a nearby bike trail or through a local park.

Mini-Golf and Bowling

Mini-golf and bowling are classic family-friendly activities that are perfect for a summer day. These activities are great for all ages and skill levels, making them a great option for a family outing. You can even turn it into a friendly competition and see who comes out on top!

Mini Golf

Backyard Sports Tournaments

Organize a backyard sports tournament with your family and friends. You can play a variety of sports, such as basketball, soccer, or volleyball – or play some yard games such as cornhole, giant Jenga, or ladder toss.

Don’t forget to create teams and come up with a fun prize for the winners.

Entertainment and Events

If you want to add some excitement to your summer bucket list, consider attending some family-friendly events and entertainment options.

Outdoor Movie Nights

There’s nothing quite like watching a movie under the stars on a warm summer evening. Many cities and towns offer free outdoor movie nights in local parks or other public spaces.

Pack some blankets, snacks, and drinks, and settle in for a night of family fun. Check your local events calendar for dates and locations.

Summer Festivals

Summer is the season for festivals, and there are plenty that cater to families. From food and music to arts and crafts, there’s something for everyone.

Look for festivals with kid-friendly activities like face painting, bounce houses, and games.

Live Family Shows

Whether it’s a magic show, a circus, or a theater performance, live family shows are a great way to spend an afternoon or evening.

Look for shows that are specifically geared towards families and children. Many venues offer discounted tickets for kids, so be sure to check for deals.

Travel and Exploration

Summer is the perfect time for travel and exploration with your family. There are plenty of fun activities that you can do together, from road trips to visiting farms and orchards, and even exploring zoos and aquariums.

Road Trips

Going on a road trip is a classic summer activity that is perfect for families. Pack up the car and hit the open road, exploring new places and making memories along the way.

Consider visiting national parks, state parks, or other natural attractions.

Summer Road Trip

Farm and Orchard Visits

Visiting a farm or orchard is a great way to get outside and experience nature with your family. You can pick your own fruits and vegetables, learn about farm animals, and even take a tractor ride.

Zoo and Aquarium Outings

Zoos and aquariums are always a hit with kids, and they’re a great way to learn about animals from all over the world. Many zoos and aquariums offer special exhibits and events during the summer months, so be sure to check their schedules.

Community and Volunteering

Summer is a great time to get involved in your community and give back. Volunteering is a fantastic way to teach your kids about empathy and kindness while spending quality time together.

Neighborhood Clean-Up

Organize a neighborhood clean-up day where you and your family can help pick up litter, pull weeds, and beautify your community. Make it a fun event by inviting neighbors, providing snacks, and playing music.

Charity Walks/Runs

Participating in a charity walk or run is a great way to get active and support a good cause. Find a local event that supports a charity that you and your family care about and sign up. You can even create a team and fundraise together.

Community Garden Projects

Community gardens are a great way to promote healthy eating and bring people together. Look for a local community garden project and sign up to help tend to the garden. You can also start your own garden project in your neighborhood or backyard.

Food and Cooking

Picnic Preparations

Summer is the perfect time to pack a picnic basket and head out for a day of fun in the sun. You can involve the whole family in preparing for the picnic by assigning tasks such as making sandwiches, packing snacks, and preparing drinks.

You can also create a checklist to ensure that you have everything you need, such as a blanket, utensils, and napkins. Don’t forget to bring along some games or activities to keep everyone entertained!

Ice Cream and Dessert Tours

Who doesn’t love ice cream and dessert? This summer, you can plan a fun family activity by going on an ice cream or dessert tour.

You can research the best ice cream shops or dessert places in your area and create a list to visit.

Cooking Classes

If you’re looking for a fun and educational activity to do with the family, consider taking a cooking class. There are plenty of cooking classes available for all ages and skill levels.

You can learn how to make anything from pizza to sushi. This is a great way to bond with your family while learning new skills in the kitchen.

Plus, you’ll get to enjoy the delicious food you make together!

At-Home Summer Activities

Host a Slumber Party

Your kids will love having their friends over for the night!

Start by setting a cozy atmosphere with plenty of soft pillows, blankets, and sleeping bags arranged in a spacious room.

Plan a couple of activities such as a DIY craft station, a movie marathon with popcorn, and a mini dance party with their favorite tunes. Include interactive games like charades, scavenger hunts, or a talent show to keep everyone entertained.

Have a Water Balloon Fight

No summer bucket list would be complete without including some sort of water fight. If you have a garden, set up a water balloon fight with your kids, maybe invite a couple of their friends and make it a party!

Water ballons fights is a great outdoor party game


Summer is the perfect time of year to stargaze. Download an app to help you spot planets and constellations.

Camp in your Garden

You don’t need to go far to have fun. Set up a tent in your backyard, make s’mores, and tell stories.


Let the kids pick what they want to plant and spend the day beautifying your garden or balcony.

DIY Spa Day

Spend an afternoon pampering yourselves. Paint your nails, do a face mask (you can make a DIY ahead for added fun), and give each other massages. Play some soothing music and turn on your essential oil diffuser.

Family Photoshoot

Dress up or set a theme and take some fun photos to have a keepsake of your summer.

Learning New Things

Bird Watching

Get a book (or an App) about birds in your area and learn to identify different bird species and their calls. Try to spot them when you’re outside and keep a journal of the ones you’ve managed to identify.

Music Lessons

    Use summer break to learn to play a new instrument like the guitar, piano, or ukulele. Hire a teacher or find online classes.

    If you’re on a budget or have really young kids, you can learn smaller instruments like the djembe, flute, or armonica.

    DIY Science Experiments

      Get a science experiment kit and learn about chemical reactions, physics principles, and biological processes through hands-on experiments.

      Yoga and Meditation

      Find a couple of good online classes for kids and learn different yoga poses and breathing techniques. Make it a daily routine with short 10 to 15-minute videos.

      Learning a New Language

        The younger you start the easier it is. Use the summer to teach your kids a new language (and maybe learn a new one yourself!). Start with the basics then move on to free online lessons.

        Coding and Robotic

          Have your kids learn the basics of coding through kid-friendly platforms like Scratch. Or get a kit to build simple robots or electronic projects.

          Learn to Sew, Knit, or Crochet

          Teach your kids the basics of sewing or work together on a knitting or crocheting project.

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          Summer Bucket List for Kids